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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  July 27, 2011 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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or maybe preying as you're about to see during last night's game during the washington nationals. the fearless left fielder completely freaked out by the way they beat the nationals, 11-2, so it was a good luck charm. [laughter] bill: great work by that photographer. he can't get him off. we'll catch you tomorrow, everybody, "happening now" starts right now. jenna: the death toll rising in south korea from devastating mud slides wiping out neighborhoods in the capital of seoul and crushing a mountain resort some 60 miles away. rick full balk's watching for us. >> reporter: buildings were simply carried away. torrential rains causing major devastation there. landslides that have so far killed more than 30 people, the worst of them was at a resort where three small hotels were
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destroyed. folks there vacationing were sleeping, one was woken up by a loud sound, and then the ceiling just fell down. another landslide buried dozens of houses. villagers are dead, some are missing. seoul has gotten about 16 inches of rain in the last 24 hours and that rain is not supposed to stop until friday, so more problems on the way for people in seoul, south korea. back to you. jenna: more developments as we get them, rick. thank you very much. covering the news from around the world and back here at home, hi, everybody, we're so glad you're with us, i'm jenna lee. jon: and i'm jon scott. "happening now," capitol hill gridlock just days before a default deadline. right now there is no bipartisan teal on the table and no vote today on house speaker john boehner's plan to raise the debt ceiling. august 2nd is just six short days away, and that leaves the very real prospect of default or
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a credit downgrade. can washington make a deal? wendall goler, our senior thousands foreign affairs correspondent be live on the north lawn for us now. >> reporter: more tough news today from the congressional budget office which says both of the leading plans from republicans and democrats to cut the deficit and raise the debt ceiling fall short of what their authors claim. senate majority leader harry reid's plan would actually cut half a trillion less from the deficit than he says it would, house speaker john boehner's plan falls about $350 billion short. boehner has canceled plans for a vote on his proposal today and gone back to the drawing board, and since he has promised to cut the deficit more than he raises the debt ceiling, it may mean he'll shrink the size of the debt ceiling hike from $900 billion to something less. that could mean having to raise it again well before the end of the year instead of six months or so from now. president obama has said his bottom line is hiking the debt ceiling enough to last through
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2012. one reason democrats say boehner's plan is dead on arrival this senate. republicans say mr. obama is trying to keep the issue out of the re-election campaign. it would risk a downgrade of the country's credit rating just like the current fight. >> we would, obviously, settle for something else as long as it insures that the cloud hanging over the economy is removed and that we lift the debt ceiling for a substantial period of time to make sure that the uncertainty that creates doesn't stay with us and it still achieves significant deficit reduction. >> reporter: now, neither plan, neither boehner's plan, nor reid's plan may convince the credit rating agencies that this country is serious about getting debt under control, and even if our aaa status goes down to aa, that could add $100 billion to government debt and also raise
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interest rates on auto loans, mortgages and well. jon: there don't seem to be a lot of good options out there, that's for sure. wendall goler, thank you. jenna: something to think about as washington is consumed by the debt crisis, four months in -- four months -- the libyan conflict is costing the nearly a billion dollars. that's certainly a lot of coin for a military intervention the president said would last days. moammar gadhafi hasn't gone anywhere. some are calling this, now, the forgotten war. national security correspondent jennifer griffin is live from the pentagon with more. >> reporter: the pentagon budget at $820 million for the libyan operation through the end of june, and they estimate they will spend $100 million a month through the end of september. the problem is nobody knows when this will end. admirable mike -- admiral mike mullen describes the libyan engagement this way. >> we are, generally, in a stalemate, although with the strikes over time gadhafi's
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forces are continuing to be atrited, and additional pressure has been brought. >> reporter: britain is now the third nato member after france and the u.s. to recognize the rebels known as the transitional national council. britain is expelling gadhafi's representatives from london and requesting the rebels send an ambassador, but now the rebels say they would be okay if moammar gadhafi remains in libya as long as he retires from power. more salt in the wound for nato, the pan-am 103 bomber appeared at a rally in tripoli on tuesday, he was released from a scottish prison because he was supposed to be dying of cancer. lawmakers on capitol hill continue to bristle at not having been consulted about the decision. buck mckeon says he received a last minute call on the eve of
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the conflict, the president said he wanted to see him in an hour. >> we don't have a plane fast enough to get me back from california to the white house, and the thing is the day before, thursday, was st. patrick's day. and we had a lunch here in the rayburn room with the president, the vice president, the speaker. i shook hands with the president, vice president. and no mention was made of libya. he could have said i'd like to have a meeting tomorrow morning in the white house. i would have stayed. >> reporter: it's a war that rarely gets mentioned by the white house or here in the halls of the pentagon, but as secretary gates said, the u.s. taxpayer is paying 75% of nato's operating costs and is that's a lot of money at this time of all this debt crisis talks. jenna: something to think about for sure. jennifer griffin at the pentagon, thank you so much. jon: some crime-fighting technology for the future raising privacy concerns right now.
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we're talking about a new facial recognition device. dozens of law enforcement agencies nationwide are about to start using this thing as early as september. the device is attached to iphones allowing officers to take pictures of people's faces, even scan their irises and then check for be matches in a criminal database. jamie colby is in our new york city newsroom with a look at it. >> reporter: hey, jon. this is very cool stuff, very csi. it's called morris, it's a hand held biometric device, and it can recognize people based on their eyes, their face, even their fingerprints. it connects to a smartphone, and that allows an officer to snap a picture of someone's face from up to five feet away or scan an iris from up to 6 inches away, and then they can do an immediate search of a database. the database actually growing for about four years now, and it's been installed in 48 states. the handheld system costs
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$3,000. >> you don't need to know the name, the date of birth, the social security, you don't need to know anything. you just ask them to look in the camera, and in a matter of seconds their true identity comes back. >> a game changer. and what it's going to allow us to do is it's going to allow us to know with a great level of certainty, number one, who it is that we're taking in when we book them in and who it is, on the other end of that sentence, that we're releasing. >> reporter: a game changer, says the sheriff. courts have yet to rule on the innovation, but privacy advocates argue that using these scans can amount to an illegal search without a warrant. >> we think that there should be some rules and regulations in place that govern exactly how the police use these things so that they can be used when it's appropriate, when the police have probable cause that, you know, you have committed a crime, but that they don't start using them all over the place as sort of a generalized
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surveillance tool. >> reporter: we'll have to wait to see once they're implemented and tested, but one feature of the device that may calm privacy concerns, once the recognition data's either matched or it's cleared, no record of the images or identifying information is stored and, jon, you know with the tsa and all those scanners, that was big concern of people and also for some of the privacy advocates. jon? jon: yeah. and some of our chatters are wondering when this is going to hit the consumer market, you know, can i buy one of these things and scan anybody i want to? >> reporter: you know what, interesting? facebook is looking at it and google, also, to allow you to take a picture of someone and do an immediate google search to get any other information on them. so your chatters are up to speed, jon. jon: that is a brave new world. jamie colby, thank you. >> reporter: take care. jenna: breaking news of the day, and we have more big stories throughout the hour including a big rule anything the case of the former police sergeant who keeps losing wyomings.
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what -- wives. the case of drew peterson and how it could impact his murder trial. also house speaker john boehner reworking his debt deal. this as the clock ticks closer to that default deadline. six days away, can a deal be struck in time? we'll go in depth just ahead. 
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geico, saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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jenna: right now new informing on some crime stories we're keeping an eye on for you here, a blow in the case against a former illinois police sergeant charged with murder. a state appellate court upholding a judge's ruling not to allow some hearsay or secondhand evidence in the drew peterson trial, accused in the death of his third wife. kathleen savio. also rod blagojevich asking a judge to grant him a third trial, his lawyers say his conviction was based on overwhelming bias. blagojevich was found guilty of
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attempted fraud or extortion. and the hotel behind the sex assault made against dominique strauss-kahn is meeting with prosecutors. the maid recently spoke with the media challenging doubts, she insists the former head of the international monetary fund assaulted her. we'll keep you updated as we hear more. jon: right now house republicans are meeting behind closed doors trying to decide what happens to the boehner plan that would raise the debt ceiling but also lower the deficit. one man who remains optimistic some kind of a deal can be struck before the august 2nd deadline, arizona congressman david schweikert of the house financial services committee. congressman, you have said that you think the white house is being disingenuous when it talks about some of the things that will happen august 2nd if there
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isn't some kind of a deal. what do you mean by that? >> well, think of this, um, and think of some of the phone calls we had in our office where people are asking us to vote for the president's plan. the president still hasn't put something on paper yet. and yet they pretend like they're actually being a genuine partner in this negotiation. jon: so when the president, when the president pushes that what he called a balanced approach over and over again, what is that? >> well, it's ethereal, it's air. how do you score a speech? you know? look, my great frustration is from the white house we're seeing campaigner in chief, not someone that's trying to put together a plan that's good for this country because we don't have a plan that's on paper from him. how do you deal with that? so once again over here in the house we're doing the heavy lifting. we have never gotten something from the senate. we did our cut, cap and balance, we also did a budget bill. we still get nothing from the senate, we get nothing from this
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white house, and we're taking the responsibility for actually doing the drafting and doing the heavy lifting around here. jon: well, the point has been made a great number of republicans were elected this last election with tea party support. there is a very conservative mood and a very sort of anti-establishment mood in much of the house, and yet you only control one-half of one branch of government. >> exactly. and i need to even take that a bit further. a lot of us got elected both with tea party conservatives, but even a number of moderate democrats that understand we're in real financial trouble. um, this is much more than raising the debt ceiling. go back and read the moody's letter and the s&p letter. this is about the scale of our debt. and we do some crazy things in this country. do you know we guarantee sovereign debt for egypt? we have huge liabilities out there, monstrous. that's the real battle. and i'm hoping that this in some
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ways is just the first salvo in saving us fiscally. jon: you say we've got huge financial problems in this country, but you also say that the president is overstating some of the dangers. >> no. what he's overstating is the consequences, the mechanics. and it would be a much more honest, genuine discussion not to walk in and say, we're going to default. we're not going to default. default is not paying the interest on the coupons on the bonds we've sold. it would be a much more genuine and honest discussion, what about the one-third of federal spending, one-third of this federal government that exists solely on borrowing? that's actually, in many ways, a bigger, more honest and more difficult discussion. um, and one other thing, when the president goes up to a microphone and says, well, the depreciation on jets, the taxing of all fossil fuels, or even the bush -- and now bush/obama -- tax extensions, do you realize
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all those together if they were eliminated takes care of one-half an hour of borrowing a day? this is political theater that comes from the white house, not honest help. jon: all right. so let me put you on the spot. you heard the president in the his address to the nation the other night embracing speaker boehner and saying, you know, that the speaker has done some good things, maybe the president was trying to kill him with kindness, i'm not sure. but the criticism directed at the republican speaker of the house is that he doesn't even enjoy the support of many members of his own caucus. so where do you stand on the boehner plan? be. >> yeah, that's just not true. first off, with the speaker himself, look, i grew up around politics. um, speaker boehner's singularly one of the most impressive people i've met in my life. i'm one of those leaning no on the plan, i'm waiting to see the new scoring because it is about the math. we need to do something that's genuine and honest, but much more the markets that s&p and
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moody's are going to downgrade us unless we put together a package that's big enough. and even then i'm fearful that anything that can get through the senate because the left is just ap to protect tick. we are going to get a downgrade. now, for future discussion we should actually have a discussion on what that will really mean in the market. jon: and scoring for those of our viewers who aren't familiar with the washingtonese is going through it line by line, going through the congressional budget office and figuring out what this is going to cost and how much revenue it might bring in, that kind of thing. congressman schweikert of arizona, it's going to be an interesting six days. thanks for being our guest this morning. >> thank you, jon. jon: if you want to hear more from congressman schweikert, he's going to be joining chris stirewalt live online about half an hour from now, a little less than that. you can tweet your questions to c stirewalt through twitter, or
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you can post your questions online in the chat, i butchered that, i'm sorry. jenna: i think we got what you were putting down there, jon. we got it. jon: tibet your questions in. -- get your questions in. jenna: chris stirewalt's going to continue the interview. football fans are happy the lockout's over, but are you going to open up your wallets to buy tickets this year? we haven't talked about that. rick has some really interesting numbers you're going to want to hear, incredible about this upcoming season. plus, new finds from the far side of the moon. from the football field to the moon, jon. volcanos that are truly out of this world. what they can tell us about the origin of life and life here on earth, just ahead. ♪ moon shadow, moon shadow. ugh, time to color.
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jenna: well, the end of the nfl lockout, a big boost to the business. fans wasting no time at all, ticketmaster saying sales were up 332 president on monday -- % on monday. monday, of course, the same day a four-and-a-half month lockout ended. rick folbaum is live in new york city with this. they're expensive. >> reporter: they're expensive, you know, and it depends on which team you want to see play. the prices can go up to hundreds of dollars a ticket, but any concern fans might hold a grudge against the sport, well, forget about it. the lockout is over, and the fans are back, and as you said, jenna, ticketmaster announcing sales on its nfl ticket exchange web site were up 332% monday from the day before, 294% from a week ago.
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this is a web site where fans can swap and be sell tickets to other fans and, obviously, people not wasting any time looking to score seats for the new season that begins in early september. players and owners agreeing, finally, to a ten-year deal to share the billions of dollars in revenue generated by the sport, a lot of which comes from ticket sales. you know, a lot of these teams have to work quickly to sell their season ticket packages so there's no blackout, a tv blackout. teams have to to sell a certain amount of of them, or else fans in that city are not able to watch the games on tv in cities like jacksonville, they're hoping to sell 400 season ticket packages a day so there's no blackout, and fans down in florida can watch their jaguars. jenna: what about your eagles? >> reporter: don't worry about the birds. jenna: i knew you had something to say about that. jon: and be i did not pay rick to run denver bronco video. jenna: right. we're learning a lot about the two of you.
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jon: where do your loyalties lie? jenna: i'm totally unbiased. thank you, rick. onwards to football season. jon: a new mystery unfolding on the moon. scientists recently discovered a rare set of dormant volcanos on the far side of the poop -- moon. this find is changing the shape of the lunar surface and lunar science as we've known it up until now. bill new york, the science guy, joins us. volcanos on the moon, they're not erupting, right? >> no, they're not erupting. it's been billions of years. jon: all right. so why does this discovery have scientists so excited? >> because it means that the moon was more active than people thought. everybody figures right now that the moon was hit by something about four and a half billion years ago, and there was an ocean of molten lava covering the entire surface. it's, like, spooky. but everything cooled off, you got a lot of lunar-style
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volcanos which come out, the rocks that are come out are basalt, big blocks of rock all over the place. well, these volcanos discovered day before yesterday -- or not discovered, got really good pictures day before yesterday -- were made from something else, and apparently it's a radioactive decay that left thorium, one of the happy radioactive elements that came out on the surface. so this thing was probably a bubble of lava, a bubble of mag ma that came up to the moon's surface. and what this means is there's more to it than you thought at first. because one of the two questions that trouble all of us, jon: are we alone and be where did we come from? so when you find out more about the history of the moon, you learn more about where we all came from, and this is, every rock tells a story, as we say.
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jon: does it go anywhere close to the climate change debate that's underway here on earth? you know, if moon had erupting volcanos a few years -- well, a few million years ago, however you want to put it, you know, it's not like we've been up there burning fossil fuels. >> no. volcanos are not connected to the burning of fossil fuels -- jon: no, but -- >> the big thing for us on my side of this thing is the science is true. and so when you discover, the people who got really involved in climate change got involved in it often by studying venus, the planet venus. so the physics, the science that happens on venus is the same as the science that happens on earth. the science that happens on the moon, in this case the geology, the study of rocks that happens on the moon is the same science that happens on the earth. so when you say to yourself, well, i'm going to ignore all
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the evidence of climate change, you're saying i'm going to ignore the best ideas anybody's ever had. that's science. and so this is quite troubling to those of us on our side of it. jon: and why -- >> so -- jon: why aren't they erupting now? >> well, the moon cooled off. that's a great question. that's a fabulous question. the moon is quite a bit smaller than the earth, and so it cools off faster. a small, a cupcake cools off faster than a big cake. a small rock cools off faster than a big rock. it has less heat. and then can i just tell you, if you want to get into mathematics and algebra, things that are smaller have more area for how much they would weigh or how much mass they have than things that are big. it takes a lot more umph to pill the earth. anyway, the moon is a lot smaller, and so it cooled off faster.
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and this is all science, this is all true. and the great thing about science, why we're so charmed about science is it's true for all of us. you can run the test, i can run the test, and we try to get the same results. and if we don't, we find out why. anyway, these guys are excited, fabulous pictures of this compton region that has this radioactive material around it that no one really had a good explanation for until recently, and then we had just theories. jon: and the great thing, too, is even with the shuttle fleet parked, we are still exploring space in some ways. >> look, about the shuttle -- jon: we're going to have to say good-bye, bill. >> all right. retiring the shuttle's good. carry on, you guys. jon: all right. jenna: a little mathematics, a littlal algebra, we should send bill nye to d.c. a little number crunching, right. as the debt limit debate rages
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on, the u.s. is now in danger of losing its aaa rating. we've heard a lot of different scenarios as to what that means for us. we're going to dig deeper with charles payne coming up. plus, a storm system now gathering strength over the caribbean, and it could become the first named storm to hit the u.s. this year. where forecasters say it might be headed just ahead. and also rick is live at the wall with three hot videos. you choose the news, rick. >> reporter: i'm still smiling about bill nye. these are our three top stories, which one do you like best? go to the "happening now" home page at here are your choices today. we can introduce you to a zebra-striped giraffe newborn, or we can tell you how to see a humpback whale. there's the giraffe thing. or we can talk to you about a butter screw up church yes -- sculpture. yes. and we would love to hear from you today, weigh in on any of the news stories today. go to the america's asking
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portion of the site, comment on whatever you like. we'll read the best of them coming up later on, and we'll have more "happening now" after a quick break. don't go away. [ cat meows ] ♪ [ whistles ] ♪ [ cat meows ] ♪ [ ting! ] [ male announcer ] travelers can help you protect the things you care abt and save money with multi-policy discounts. are you getting the coverage you need and the discounts you deserve? for an agent or quote, call 800-my-coverage or visit it's the cleanest, clearest water. we find the best, sweetest crab for red lobster we can find. yeah! [ male announcer ] hurry in to crabfest at red lobster. the only time you can savor three sweet alaskan crab entrees all under $20, like our hearty crab and roasted garlic seafood bake
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or sn crab and crab butter shrimp. [ jon i wouldn'tut it my table at home, i wouldn't bring it in. my name's jon forsythe, and i sea fd differently.
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jenna: a fox news weather alert for you now, the national hurricane center is keeping a close eye on the caribbean where a major storm system is developing with the potential of making landfall here in the united states, and that gets our attention, certainly.
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janice dean is here with more. where exactly are we talking about, j.d.? is. >> reporter: right here, in the yucatan channel, and the name will be don. you see the orange here? this thing is getting better be organized, and we think there's a circulation around 50 miles northeast of cancun, and this thing is starting to develop, so we're going to watch it very carefully. gulf of mexico a lot of warm water to work with. here are our tropical storm models, what we look at many terms of when this storm and if it develops, where we think it's going to go in the next several days. we've got a little divergence, but texas, you look to be this bull's eye, that cone of uncertainty. ultimately, this could be a good news story because they are into tremendous drought in texas, so they could use a tropical storm, maybe don coming up very shortly. we'll keep you posted, back to you. jenna: we'll continue to watch it, j.d., thank you. >> reporter: okay.
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jon: all kinds of shortages in the u.s. right now, money being the big one. but the u.s. also faces a major shortage of women running for political office. it's a field be typically dominated by men, but now even fewer women than usual are throwing their hats in the ring. why? anita vogel takes a look at it live from los angeles. >> reporter: hi there, jon. it may be hard to believe, but some studies show the united states is actually behind country like rue rwanda when it comes to women holding elected office. everyone remembers 1992, that was supposed to be the year of the woman, right? a record number of women, 22, were elected to congress including both u.s. senators from california. but those numbers have recently been on the decline on the national and state levels. for the first time in 30 years, the number of women in congress has dropped to just 16%. >> politics is considered the blood sport, a dirty sport, and so the idea of getting involved in politics and getting out
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there and putting all of your, you know, your family and yourself out there for people to tear down in many instances is just not appealing to women. >> reporter: kimberly ellis runs emerge california, a group that trains democratic female candidates. they teach women how to raise money and all the other 101s of campaigning. on the gop side, an organization called the marion bergson excellence in public service series does the same thing for republican women. they helped appoint the police chief and the may i don't have of san clemente. she believes she will see a female president one day, and it will happen when the time is right. >> every politician rises to the top, so to speak, and when it's their time and they have the message, i think people will listen. and i think we'll see a day when it'll just be common place. >> reporter: we'll see. according to the center for american women in politics, when women run for office, they win at the same rate as men, but,
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jon, they just don't run as off, and many cite those family concerns. jon: so getting them into the race is the big issue. >> reporter: that's correct. jon: anita vogel live, thank you. jenna: we're awaiting word on the fate of the john boehner plan for the debt ceiling, just one plan that's out there. some say even if a deal to raise the debt limit, the debt ceiling gets done, the u.s. could still get a credit downgrade, and, again, we've heard so many scenarios, we wanted to talk more about this. charles payne hosts a show, 2:00? >> reporter: 2:00. jenna: you talk a lot about this, charles. we're going to have to do some speculation, because this has never happened where we've had a credit downgrade. let's say the headline crosses, the united states' gold credit rating is downgraded, how instantly do we see a market reaction? our mortgage rates go up? how quickly? >> reporter: it will probably happen fairly quickly. you'll see it in the stock market -- jenna: are you talking like,
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would you imagine a 700-point drop? >> reporter: we could. i've got to tell you, i'm glad you brought up the t.a.r.p. thing, because a lot of people remember we dropped 700 points, but president bush signed it into law october 3, 2008, by march 9th the dow was off almost 4,000 points, and that gets us back to the key issue here. we're kind of so worried about the instant knee-jerk reaction, i think a lot of people aren't focused on the longer term issue. jenna: so what is that? >> our aaa rating is in jeopardy because we're spending too much money. jenna: can we get it back if we lost it? >> oh, yeah, but it becomes harder, more expensive for us to borrow money, harder for us to get out of this log jam. look how low interest rates are now -- jenna: 4.5% for a 30-year fixed, right. >> reporter: it's amazing. someone who bought a house in 1980, it's almost like you can get a house for free. jenna: what do you see happening to the mortgage rate that right
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now is at 4.5%, again, on a nationwide average? if we were downgraded, what would we expect that to go to. >> reporter: experts are saying if you had a mortgage of $200,000, it could be an extra $400 a year request your mortgage -- with your mortgage rates. in a sluggish economy, it'd be a tax on everyone, consumers, estates, because, obviously, we take our cue from the fact that we are in the land of the aaa rating right now. jenna: that's the headline. if we get downgraded, we pay more on some levels, somewhere. >> reporter: unfortunately, you know, jenna, it's inevitable we get downgraded if we don't make tough decisions right now. again, we're looking at near-term problems and politicians are saying, listen, let's avoid the knee-jerk reaction, but it's inevitable if we don't make some sacrifices. jenna: more sacrifices. charles, thank you so much. nice to have you. jon, over to you. jon: heavy rain triggers massive mudslides, and dozens of people
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are dead including ten college students doing volunteer work. we'll show you more of this video and tell you more about what happened. it's also easier than ever now to take fox news with you wherever you want to go. check it out.   dad, why are you getting that? is there a prize in there?
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oh, there's a prize, all right. [ male announcer ] inside every box of cheerios are those great-tting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholester. is it a superhero? kinda. ♪ jenna: house republicans delaying until at least tomorrow a vote on speaker john boehner's debt limit plan and debt reduction plan. reports say the first version, this version that we had just yesterday didn't have the votes, so it was back behind closed doors to try to figure out a way to make it work. now, something just happened in d.c., indications we're hearing that the tide is shifting, and the votes are there. joining us now is a man whose job it is to help the speaker count his votes, chief deputy whip congressman peter ross come of illinois. the show's called "happening now," we just heard some members who were leaning no against this bill now say they're leaning
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yes, and the question we have for you is, what's changed? why suddenly do they say they're yes? >> i think there's two things going on, in my opinion. one is the speaker has put a plan on the table that's been scored by the congressional budget office that, ironically, because of the deep nature of the cuts in the continuing resolution a few months ago now has to be, the speaker's plan has to be retooled in order to meet the new goals because the continuing resolution was more successful than originally thought. now, that being said i think most members now, most republican members are looking at this plan, and it is dawning upon them that this is the one plan that president obama is very, very concerned about getting on his desk. why is president obama concerned about it getting on his desk? the because it has a restraining influence on spending for him in the future. and what it does is it denies the president the opportunity to blame republicans in the next few years about the slow growth of this economy. so i think members, as they're
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reading it, are becoming more comfortable and more confident and now articulating that they're far more supportive than they originally thought. jenna: this is in the talk we certainly talked about over the last several days, the back and forth about how you get members on your side. have there been promises made? have there been additions to the bill? it can't be suddenly that people have an epiphany moment over the last 12 hours. how are you getting them on your side? >> well, don't underestimate the persuasive nature of clarity as it looks, as you are presented with options. one option, one realistic option is to allow a default. now, that's absurd, and nobody that's clear-thinking should really be advocating that. another option that's realistic is to allow senator reid's position to advance which, actually, raises the debt ceiling more than it cuts, and that's something that house republicans have adamantly said
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that we're opposed to, and the final option is what speaker boehner is proposing which is this. it says we've got to cut more than we raise, and we're not going to raise taxes, and we're going to meet our obligations, and i think the more members are looking at those choices, the more they're saying, you know what? speaker boehner's approach -- jenna: so do you have the votes right now? >> well, we had a very good meeting a couple of hours ago, and the whip count is going on, and i think when push comes to shove, you know, when push comes to shove, i'm confident that this bill is going to pass the house of representatives. jenna: what about the senate? we've heard senate republicans like senator lindsey graham have come out and said this plan does not have his vote. >> well, the irony is if you talk to speaker boehner, he'll tell you that leader reid agreed to this very plan, plan, so i tk what he'der reid did at that point was to really disclose where his members are, and is leader reid going to not call this bill for a vote? is he then going to be responsible for the default of
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u.s. obligations? i don't think so. i think he'll pass it, and i think it goes on the president's desk, and i think president obama signs this bill. it's his only choice, and it's the only remedy moving forward. jenna: congressman, i only have about 30 seconds, but neither plan presented by either the democrats or republicans comes close to the $4 trillion in cuts that rating companies say we need to do to prevent a downgrade of our nation's credit. what's your plan? >> look, that's a very serious issue, and i'm not here today pumping sunshine telling you that this makes all of the fiscal problems of the united states go away. the previous congress and this administration have rung up national debt to the point where it is crippling, and these are the consequences of it. what we've got to do is take this on one step at a time, and i would submit that speak beer boehner's plan -- speaker boehner's plan is exactly that first step we need to move forward, and i think most folks are getting clear-minded about that as well. jenna: congressman, nice to have
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you join us. looks like the votes are there for this plan for the republicans to pass the house of representatives. thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks. jon: movement, or so it would seem. a race against time to find an 11-year-old girl who vanished from her home with no trace. the search for selena is expanding now. we are live with an update. plus, the effect of analling on our -- aging on our brains. turns out brain drain might be just a human experience. some interesting new information you can wrap your brain around coming up ex-in -- coming up next. ♪ are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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jon: right now breaking news on
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stories we are watching across the u.s. and around the world, all from inside our control room. at least 32 people are dead in massive mudslides in south korea. a blast of heavy rain there triggering the devastation in the capital of seoul as well as a resort town. firefighters say the eagle fire is slowly spread anything the rural reaches of san diego county. the brush fire scorching nearly 14,000 acres over the last several days. and star wars creator george lucas loses his copyright fight in great britain's highest court. that paves the way for a prop designer to sell replicas of the iconic storm trooper helmets from the "star wars" movies. jenna: all that money piling up, they say -- they, well, it is said that history repeats itself. take the current debt crisis, an impasse that congress has yet to resolve and almost seems impossible to do so. think back now to 1995.
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the country endured and resolved two government shutdowns for nearly five months until march of 1996 when congress voted to increase the nation's debt limit. this is a loaded question, but it's an important one; what have we learned since then? chief washington correspondent james rosen is tackling that in washington today. no easy feat, james. >> reporter: yeah, i live for the loaded questions, jenna. good afternoon to you. as yogi berra would say, it's déjà vu all over again. sixteen years ago we had a democratic administration warning a republican-led congress that even the appearance of default would be unthinkable. gop lawmakers were decrying the white house scare tactics. back then the debt ceiling was five trillion, roughly a third of what it is today, and after the government shutdowns were resolved, a separate ball of wax, really, dealing with appropriations, not cash reserves, congress voted to raise the ceiling by 470 billion. a prominent gop voice in today's battles argues the central
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difference between then and now is the rigid world view of the incumbent president. >> he is so passionately opposed to balancing our budget that he's threatened to veto a debt ceiling increase and plunge the country into what he describes as chaos. so the big difference is we have a much, much ideological and left-wing liberal president now than we had. >> reporter: liberals say the central difference between then and now is the degree to which the speaker exercises control over his party in the house. then-speaker newt gingrich had taken a more active role in recruiting and molding gop lawmakers in the '94 cycle and said gingrich presided over a less extremist conference. >> their revolution, in a way. speaker boehner is seen, i think, within the conference as a more moderate voice. he's a good public image, but i
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think he is not as trusted by the conservative elements within his, within the republican conference. >> reporter: another big difference, the economy, the unemployment rate back then about 5.5%, jenna. jenna: well, james, we'll keep on this story. thank you very much, james rosen in d.c. today. jon: a fox news alert, senate democratic leaders are holding a news conference on the debt ceiling right now. there's charles schumer, senator from new york. so far it does not appear they will get behind the boehner plan working its way through the house. this developing story, we'll have more on it after the break.
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jenna: high noon here on the east coast. lawmakers continue to scramble to raise the debt ceiling. they still have some high walls to climb over. that is putting it into a new wall. high walls to climb over. jon: it will be a long climb, so it would seem. jenna: absolutely.
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six days is right. hi, everybody, we're sew glad you're with us. i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. a deal everybody wants but nobody seems to agree on. right now conservatives standing on the lawn of the u.s. senate. they're hoping to revive the "cut, cap, and balance" plan which passed the house of representatives but democrats in the senate simply tabled it. jenna: in the meantime, speaker of the house john boehner is fine tune agnew new plan. we talked about a little bit. senate majority leader harry reid is still standing by his plan. there is work underway to hammer out several alternatives as well. meanwhile a new poll by the pew research center 68% of americans say lawmakers should compromise to preach a deal. 23% of the americans say lawmakers should stand by prints pills even if that leads to default. maryland's chris van hollen ranking member on budget committee. you certainly have your handful, don't you
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congressman? >> we do, jenna. you summed up the situation with the lead-in there. jenna: we appreciate that. this is something moment by moment and keep our viewers up-to-date on as best as we can. one thing we're looking closely at the plan by senator reid. it doesn't include any revenue increases but the plan put forth by the democratic leader over in the senate. i know you're a congressman in the house, congressman van hollen, but is this a plan you can get behind? >> yes. senator reid's plan is one i don't like all the particulars but certainly one i could live with. it meets the criteria that were set out by house republicans quite some time ago. it is all cuts. and by cbo scoring you're talking about over $2 trillion now. in fact over the amount of cuts put forward in speaker boehner's plan. and it has the virtue not putting our economy in the same jeopardy we are now just six months down the road which is what speaker boehner's plan would do. it would say six months from
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now we'll face the same situation by choice. i don't think anyone wants to really make that choice. jenna: how hard would it be to stomach a plan that would be a deficit reduction plan that would not include any tax increases? that is something the democrats have been very outspoken on? >> certainly if you're talking about a $4 trillion deficit reduction plan over ten years which is what the president was trying to achieve, something really significant, that absolutely would have it be balanced. the reason that collapsed was at the end of the day while the president was willing to make $3 in cuts to spending for every dollar in revenue, generated by closing tax loopholes and that kind of thing, our republican colleagues didn't want one penny of revenue going to deficit reduction the they didn't want that enforceable. certainly any large plan which is what i think the country needs in terms of deficit reduction would require that balance. but because of that total opposition so far from house republicans we're having to
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look for these alternatives. and so i don't think the american people want an alternative that puts us exactly in the same predictment six months from now as we are today. that's not a food answer. jenna: i like to get back to the $4 trillion potential plan in just a moment. first i want to ask you about the plan we're seeing emerge in the house. seems republicans are on the side of boehner's new plan. we don't know particulars of it. behind closed doors are you working with the speaker at all? are you working with your friends on the other side of the aisle on a plan that could be presented in the house? or are you working against it? >> well, for a long time we were working on a plan, $4 trillion plan, arand bargain plan. of course the white house was very engaged in those discussions as well. that's what ended up collapsing because of this refusal to accept some balance, some revenue component even from closing some of these corporate tax
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loopholes. so right now, speaker boehner's trying to muster republicans for this particular plan because we do not think, democrats do not think it's a good idea to put the economy in the same situation of uncertainty and instability six months from now as we are today, which is exactly what his plan would do. so we're looking to the senate, to senator reid and senator mcconnell. hopefully they can work together to come up with a proposal that can get a majority vote in the house and in the senate. jenna: are we out of time? >> oh, we are, we are very close to the point where we are out of time and, we shouldn't be risking this. i mean the negative consequences to the economy and american families of allowing us to default, even start, stop paying our bills is significant. i mean just imagine if you or i decided to wake up one morning or not pay our mortgage or car payments. we know what would happen. they would jack up our interest rates and our
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creditworthiness would sink. jenna: just a final question. what do you think of the consequence politically is? both sides haven't come out with a plan on the table that has the $4 trillion deficit reduction the ratings companies say we need to avoid downgrade. both have responsibility for that. despite some of the real economic con swenss politically how do you think that will play out for you? >> you're right. i think it would be a mess. i think the american people are understandably frustrated. i do know however they like the idea, american people support the idea of having a balanced plan where you have shared responsibility for reducing the deficit. that is what the president put on the table. he did ask, you know, corporations to take, you know, fewer tax loopholes and use some of the savings to reduce the deficit. our colleagues have rejected that approach. i think that is unfortunate but that's where we are right now. we're going to have to work our way through it and get on to trying to get a grand deficit reduction plan down the road sometime.
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get a down payment now and a larger deficit package together down the road. jenna: some work ahead for the month of august which is normally a quiet month. doesn't seem like there are any quiettimes in d.c., congressman. >> not at all. jenna: always nice to have you. thanks for coming on. >> thank you. good to be with you. jon: jenna and congressman van hollen just touched on it, the possibility that america's trip it pill a credit rating could go down the tubes as a result of all this wrangling in washington. now we're learning how much that actually might cost us. $100 billion a year. money that would actually add to the deficit and drive up borrowing costs making it harder for the u.s. to pay off its debts. liz macdonald from the fox business network is with us. $100 that is lot of money? >> sound like a drop in the bucket in a $14 trillion economy. jon, we're talking about
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whether interest rates would go up on different loans americans have. if you have a fixed-rate mortgage you may not see your rate go up. you may see your credit card go up. if you have a home equity line of credit attached to libor rate you may not see that budge. $100 billion sounds like a lot of money. what is more important how companies are saying how they're reacting in terms of hoarding car on the balance sheet and not hiring. that's a bigger deal. higher rates hurt of the mark housing market. jon: some of the big companies are waiting to see what happens in washington. if good things happen they might do some hiring you're saying? >> in other words companies such as ge, ford, eaton corp, also deutsche bank commented on what is happening. we're seeing companies say look, we have a basically park cash on the balance sheet. we have to protect our liquidity. we have to take wait and see what is haing in washington, d.c. as for rates going up, rates on treasury bond are still pretty low at 3%. jpmorgan is saying you could see 4% on the 10-year note. that still is historically
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low. we have to take a wait-and-see. jon: i think a lot of people are pretty ticked what is going on in washington right now and if mortgage rates go up, credit card rates go up as a result of all this people will be fuming. >> not good for the housing market. you may see one quarter go into negative territory in terms of gdp growth. that would be bad. we saw that in 2000 and 2001. jon: elizabeth mcdonald. >> delighted. thank you. jenna: outrage over decision to block federal health care benefits for 9/11 responders and residents near ground zero who now have cancer. they were exposed to the dust and chemicals released from the twin towers collapse. the feds say there is not enough evidence to show a link to cancer. rick leventhal has the more on the ruling. >> reporter: cancer is the leading cause of death among 9/11 first-responders. roughly 23% of people nationally die of cancer but more than half of
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first-responders who side since 9/11, died from related illness. seems pretty clear, right? we're talking about brave souls to raced to ground zero and stayed for weeks or months breathing toxic fumes clearing rubble and searching for human remains. including a new york city police officer spent three months in the debris and diagnosed with rare form of cancer. he calls it disappointing and heartbreaking thousands he is spending every month on treatment won't be covered. one construction worker has been to 35 funerals of 9/11 workers and 51 died of cancer. world trade center health administrator john howard released a statement, based on scientific medical findings and peer-reviewed literature insufficient evidence exists at this time to propose a rule to add cancer or certain type of cancer is conditions covered by the 9/11 health and compensation act. this legislation was signed in january to provide more than $4 billion of health care to first-responders.
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fox news medical contributor marc siegel says there is little doubt cancer was triggered by the tower collapse. >> it is very disturbing people that were there, heroic, some of at very young ages are now dying of cancer. this is very expensive treatment. but weho owe this treatment to them. it is very upsetting they're not getting it. >> reporter: the administrator says they will continue do periodic reviews for cancer as new research and findings are released. the next review is scheduled for early to mid next year. jenna. jenna: we'll wait to see what the results are. not over one can wait and see as you mentioned. thank you for the story we'll continue to watch. jon: startling report on al qaeda, new evidence that the war on terror could be pushing usama bin laden's group toward the brink of collapse. plus how norway plans to fight back against terror as that country remains on high alert after the tragedy. rick folbaum is over at our web wall for us. rick? >> that's right. these are three top stories
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you like them all. you decide what we report a little later on in the show. here are the choices if you go to "happening now" homepage at and scroll down. choose here between the butter sculpture. we'll tell you more about that. or perhaps you'd like to learn how to catch a glimpse of a humpback whale. or and that, we're showing these out of order here, but this is the humpback whale. this is, we showed you. this is very interesting animal. a little bit like a zebra, a little bit like a giraffe. we'll tell you more about that if you choose. there is still time to decide. so far the butter has it. i will tell you that. but you can weigh in. we'll have the results and the story coming up. we'll be back with "happening now" after a quick break. don't go away.
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jon: some major developments in the war on terror right now and they sound very optimistic. top u.s. officials are saying al qaeda is own the vern of collapse. the death of that groups's
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leader and nonstop cia drone strikes leaving the terror network in shambles. while experts say the war is far from over they believe a few more serious blows could mean the end for al qaeda. joining us now former terrorism analyst and vice president for research at the foundation for defense of democracies, jonathan schanzer. jonathan, first of all, do you agree with that assessment? >> i think you need to caveat that assessment. i think we're talking about the potential end of the headquarters, the pakistani-based core of al qaeda that was run by osama bin laden. if you look at the reports they're talking not about the end of the affiliate networks or some of the other outlying groups associated with al qaeda in yemen or north africa or elsewhere and certainly not the end of the taliban. you're looking at core group of individuals founded al qaeda and running it over the years. that may be on the brink of collapse but let's not say
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this movement is near its end. jon: so a little bit like turning the lights and cockroaches scatter? you may kill them off in places like afghanistan but they are over in the other places, somalia and arabian peninsula? >> that's right. actually this is a testament to bin laden's plan for the al qaeda network. he created a more diffuse network after the united states began to crack down on al qaeda in late 1990s. you saw rise of al qaeda in north africa and al shaback in east africa. al qaeda in iraq done great damage to u.s. forces. the taliban was once a government but relegated to affiliate movement of al qaeda. what you have a is number of organizations sort of franchises of al qaeda that continue to grow and thrive while we have focused in on the core as we called it. now i think after the death of bin laden in early may, i think we were able to get a lot of intelligence. we've gone after a lot of the other high-level
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officials within al qaeda and obviously this drone campaign been ongoing in pakistan and some cases yemen, we've taken out something like 1200 fighters from al qaeda including senior leaders. jon: right. >> this is all good news. but again the ideology of radical islam lives on and so do these affiliate groups. that is the challenge ahead of us. jon: if you take out those leaders, and we have been very successful in doing that, if you take out people who have experience going back to the russian-afghan war, take out the people who know how to motivate and organization and maybe build a bomb be, pretty soon you're left with bunch of 18, 20-year-old kids who may have the desire but don't necessarily have the knowledge to continue terrorism campaign? >> well, you know i think you could make that argument but you could also argue you have a number of people who gained experience in afghanistan. people who have gained experience and by the way, fighting in this more recent war, not in the war in the 1980s against the soviets. but rather fighting against the united states and allied forces.
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you have people that have had experience in iraq and other fronts as well. so in other words what al qaeda has done it has groomed a next generation of fighters and leaders. and they will step up. so i think, what my prediction would be, and it is always difficult to predict things in this business but i think you may see several different leaders competing for leadership of al qaeda. in other words you could have a regional leader from iraq and regional leader from the taliban and another one from north africa and you have anwar al-awlaki in yemen. certainly they might call themselves something different after this. but jihadist movement will live on and we will continue to fight it for years to come. jon: jonathan schanzer, you thanks for joining us. >> thanks. jenna: a lot of big stories in washington today but we wanted to mention this new research to you. it suggests humans may be the only animals with brains that shrink as we age. the only ones. we assumed, researchers have the phenomenon was universal
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among primates but turns out not true. study of chimpanzees, our closest relative show no loss of brain volume in later years. the human brain can shrink up 15% as we grow older. a change linked to dementia and poor memory and depression. researchers hope to study the brain they can find ways to postpone the harmful effects of age but right now we're all alone with our shrinking brains. how about that? jon: mine has already lost probably half its volume, jenna, thanks. norway is on alert once again days after that campaign that -- rampage that killed at least 76 people. we have more on today's new threat. new details on the prison where the mass murder suspect might end up. it's hardly a prison. a rock-climbing wall. even a recording studio. all for an accused cold-blooded murderer. you won't believe some of
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these pictures. also is big brother watching your cell phone? how the feds could keep track of you.
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jon: right now stories we're keeping close eye on. water main break in new york city bureau of the bronx. emergency crews are on the scene. look at all the water. commuters are warped about possible delays. severe thunderstorms ripping through parts of connecticut. ripping down trees and power lines. the fire department reporting 30 incidents within a two-hour period. cleanup in massachusetts after powerful storms prompted a tornado warning in a region still recovering from deadly twisters last month. mother nate nature knocking
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out power to thousands of the so far no confirmed tornado touchdowns there. jenna: new information from norway today. police are on high alert after a suspicious suitcase is found on a bus. more disturbing details on the massacre that is shaking the country to its core. frayed nerves there. greg burke streaming live from norway. greg? >> reporter: jenna this is the place in downtown oslo where everyone comes to leave a flower or say a prayer for the victims. more information coming out about this attack. how it might have been stopped a farmer who had grown suspicious at one point. they know him within a few hours after the bombing reportedly some one at one of their car rental agencies talked about a man who in fact rented two cars. new details coming out on the day which it all happened. new video from a surveillance bombing. this was the first of two the attacks, bombing downtown right around the
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corner from where we are right now. later on the island of course the massacre of the young people there. police saying today that bray vick surrendered with his hands in the area and weapons about 50 yards away at that time. there was a mad rescue scene on the island as people tried to run, swim, play dead anything to get away. one rescuer telling us they had to leave some people behind. >> they say wait, two, three more minutes. my friend was close. but it was 15, 20 minutes from boat. and shooter starts shooting shots overhead. and then they have to abort. >> reporter: now, jenna a lot of heroes like him out there. neighbors who heard the sounds, realized, heard the shots, realized something was very serious going on. got into their boats, picking up young people and bringing them back. a lot of dead kids and also,
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as one police officer said, the number of wounded was just incredible. he said it was like a conveyor belt. jenna? jenna: horrific, horrific details still emerging we search to understand what exactly happened in norway. greg, thanks very much for that. meantime we're getting inside look at a prison where norway's mass murder suspect may end up. he is not here now, rick, but this gives us an idea what prisons are inside the country for someone like him. >> remember escape from alcatraz? in norway they might want to escape to havin. he might be held in the looks like nicest prison in the world. here is what a carrying out the worst violence since world war ii can get you. bedroom with flat-screen tv. private bathroom. ceramic tiles. nicer than my college doorm room by the way. prisoners have access to state-of-the-art gym where they can shoot hoops or do a
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little rock climbing there is jogging trail and a soccer field. there is artwork sprinkled throughout the facility including this mural in one of outdoor spaces where prisoners can mingle and get a little fresh air. the government spent a million dollars on the artwork and lighting at halden more outdoor space to show you where tall trees are meant to obscure the view of the security wall to minimize the institutional feel and to let the inmates experience all four seasons. we're not even showing you the prison's recording studio where inmates rehearsing the prison's first musical production which is slated for later on this year. as you said we should mention brevik is held in solitary confinement at a different facility in norway right now. but that five-star prison we showed you could become his long-term home in the near future. back to you. jenna: interesting stuff. i was reading on "time" online where we got some of these pictures, rick, that they refer to the prisoners
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as pupils because it is about rehabilitation and not about making them feel like prisoners. >> that's right. the maximum sentence in norway is defend one years. these are people that will eventually be let fee and they want to help people feel like they're a part of the community even while they're in lockup. jenna: it is one system that is different than ours but one i'm sure we'll be learning a lot more about, rick, thank you. jon: can the government track you on your cell phone whenever it wants? it might be possible. with the head of the supersecret nsa saying when asked about it in a senate hearing, we'll have those details ahead. plus the back and forth negotiations to raise the nation's debt ceiling. what do democrats want and what happens if nothing gets passed by either side?
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jon: congress is still racing to try to agree on a debt ceiling plan that can pass both houses of congress and still get the president's signature. but a lot of cooks are in the kitchen if you've noticed whipping up all kinds of backup deals. connecticut congressman john larsen has just come from a meeting of the house democratic caucus where he is the chairman. so what is the mood of your
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membership right now? >> well the mood of our membership, jon, frankly is one of frustration. we think that the debt ceiling could be lifted tomorrow. that, what was done for ronald reagan 18 times and george bush eight times without holding any political hostages like the full faith and credit of the united states government, defaulting on our national responsibility, our global responsibility, but most importantly defaulting on america's household economies and how they're brought up to the precipice as bell. so we're frustrated. you know, unfortunately republicans have walked away from the plan with biden. they have walked away from the mcconnell plan. they have walked away from the bipartisan plan. put together, by the "gang of six". they have walked away from the president. now they even walked away from john boehner's plan. so our frustration grows. we'd like to see a clean
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debt ceiling vote. take this off the plate for the american people. let's not govern like we're some third party country. i understand it is difficult but let's get together and govern like we're the pre emment, economic, social and cultural and military leader of the world and do so in a manner to make sense. jon: we could argue i suppose all day about past debt ceiling hikes that have been almost automatic. >> right. jon: those were different times. you saw yourself a great number of fellow house members were elected last time around from tea party support from people saying we've got to stop the spending binge. >> what they were really saying we have to get jobs for the country. certainly getting the debt under control is part of that. great steps have been made but, i guess the other side doesn't want to say we won and move on. it is just, continuing to hold hostage in this case, the hostage that they're holding is the american people. and the full faith and
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credit of the government. what people really want to see back home is us sitting at table and getting jobs. why can't we put boone pickens's bill on the new which has broad bipartisan support? why can't we put a infrastructure bill on the floor that has bipartisan support and put america back to work? jon: i guess a lot of republicans are asking same things about democrats in the senate who put "cut, cap, and balance" bill on the shelf. >> well, i can't speak for the senate. jon: i know that but the house, your body has passed that bill. >> we know that we passed 492 bills that mitch mcconnell put on the back burner. i can not control things in the senate. i think mitch should have been named man of the year for almost single-handedly blocking legislation. jon: let me ask you this. it's my understanding that you have advocated that the president just rely on the 14th amendment to unilaterally raise the debt
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ceiling. is that your take if in fact you can't get some bill out of congress? >> we think, we think the president should not, should not let the american people, we should not watch and witness what we saw in 2008 when people's 401(k)s became 101-ks. if something can't be done. if nothing can get to the president's desk he can sign, and i know the president said he won't do this in our caucus today sled by our great leader jim clyburn, said the president ought to have that as an option. i hope if nothing has been done for the sake of the american people that he signs it. hopefully something will get done, jon. but right now the republican caucus looks like it is in disarray. nothing is on the floor. we're twrid link our thumb -- twiddling our thumbs so to speak when i think we should vote on jobs bills and putting americans back to work. jon: congressman john larson,
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democrat from connecticut and chairman of the democratic caucus in the house. we hope something get done next six days. >> we wish america well. always good to be on the program. jenna: new information that big brother may be watching your cell phone. security experts say there are certain circumstances where the government can track you down by your cell phone signal. that is big help when it comes to catching criminals but critics fear it could be used on other people who haven't done anything wrong. we haven't done anything wrong, right, jon? we could be one of those people. jon: i will turn my cell phone off right now. jenna: fox business reporter shibani joshi joins us with more. have we confirmed this is actually happening? >> reporter: it is a complicated situation, jenna. you mentioned some of the positive things that come out of this accessing this data but right now nsa, the national security agency out there saying that the government may in fact have access to your cell phone information, this coming in the form of a statement yesterday from matthew olson,
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a chief lawyer for the supersecret nsa, saying this in front after senate committee yesterday saying quote. there are certain circumstances where the authority may exist to use your cell data to track locations of americans inside the country. the trouble right now there are no definitive laws or guidelines as what the government can access as pertains to your cell phone information, jenna. right now lawmakers are working on a couple of things to define it more clearly. jenna: it would be interesting if you got a text message from the government, right? i haven't received that yet. we'll keep on the story, shibani. good one. 2:00 p.m. eastern time we'll see you on fox business. thanks a lot. we have to get to our must-see moment of the day, rick. our viewers have been voting which one they want to see more of. >> say hello. he was born july 4th at the antwerp zoo in belgium. this is your must-see moment of the day. i never heard of okapi before today. i must admit. they are related to
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giraffes. they have a little zebra in them as well. apparently the stripes on their thighs and their backsides act like fingerprints. this is a zoo in antwerp, belgium, that has been hosting these animals since 1919. the 47th okapi born at the antwerp zoo. her name means wizard in swahili. back to you guys. jenna: heard something new every day. in last 45 seconds we learned a lot of new things. back side is fingerprints is that what you said? >> fingerprints. helps them be camouflaged in wild. jenna: dual purposes. rick, thank you very much. jon: there's a new twist to tell you about in the case of the accused tucson shooter, jared loughner. why prison officials are being given okay to force anti-pyschotic drugs on this suspected killer. are you feeling little stressed? you can stop scarfing down your favorite sweets. a brand new study shows scheduling worry time could
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actually help you stop worrying. there is dr. keith ablow. he is along to explain.
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jon: after more than a century of treating our wounded warriors as well as their families the walter reed army medical center is shutting its doors. the facility opened in 1909. its staff treating about 775,000 outpatient as year including 18,000 veterans of the wars in iraq and afghanistan. and also specializing in rehabilitation of amputees. that hospital named of after a former army major and doctor who was a pioneer in the treatment of yellow fever. we're going to get you more on the shutdown of walter reed in just a moment. in the meantime, the tucson,
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arizona shooting suspect, jared loughner is back on his meds you might say after a court ruling overturning a lower court ruling. rick folbaum has more. he is here in the newsroom. >> jon, loughner was found originally not to be mentally competent enough to stand trial in the tucson massacre that killed six and wounded 13 including of course congresswoman gabrielle giffords. because of that finding a judge ordered prison officials to find a treatment plan to get loughner back to competency. that involved medicating him. his lawyers said authorities couldn't forcibly medicate their client. an appeals court panel agreed with that. now loughner is has put on suicide watch clearing the way for the prison to begin medicating him again. officials say he has bouts of screaming, crying uncontrollably. claiming his radio was talking to him and pleading for guards to quote give him an injection and kill him now. the defense is still unhappy
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about this decision, jon. but they won't get to argue their point until a hearing that is scheduled to take place on august the 30th. back to you. jon: rick folbaum. thanks, rick. jenna: how about this moment of levity, if you will. making time in your day just to worry, jon. jon: specifically to worry. jenna: specifically to worry. that's the suggestion in a new study from the netherlands where reitch soers say people who set aside 30 minutes to wallow in their stress are better able to deal with their problems. we thought, well, sounded like some strange advice. so we decided to talk to dr. keith ablow, fox news medical a-team. okay, dr. ablow, let's start with this. can you truly confine your worries to 30 minutes? is that even possible? >> well for these folks, they were helped to do so with this strategy where you take 30 minutes out of your day. go find 30 minutes. so that's a tough. you take 30 minutes out of your day and specifically tell yourselves when worries
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intrude. at other times during the day i will get to that i have got my worry time set aside. this tends to breed optimism. to make people less anxious and of course well, less worried because they're defering until this 30-minute period. all that stress and anxiety and it's a focused attempt for half an hour to try to think about your problems and solve them if you can. jenna: i should mention this to our viewers. this study was a small study. it started with 62 patients. i see this one line. a number of them dropped out. >> yes. jenna: we can only speculate as to why. >> they were too worried. jenna: maybe anxiety got to them. this 30 minutes if i was to try this at home and sit in the room with a journal? >> yes. jenna: would i sit and think and contemplate? how exactly could you do this? >> you could do it by writing here. it is a quick recipe. first you have to identified what you're worried about. if it is your business, identify that. what are your specific worries.
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your main? you identify that. you say this is the tile i normally go to the gym or driving to the gym because you could be doing something else. i'm going to spend that time really thinking about those things i identified. jenna: would you sprib this to a patient? >> listen, here's the thing. this is not a double blind study. when they did this and look at people who say i feel better. look, they were also in the study and being told you kind of will feel better. it is hard to say if it was the study design that made them feel better too. yes i do that with patients this way. jenna: final thought? >> what's that? jenna: final thought. we have to run for some breaking news. i'm curious what is the one tip to give to our viewers worried about a whole bunch of stuff to help cope with some of that stress? >> final thing, come part mentallization is good. this is one version of it. if you have trouble in your life, remember lots of parts of your life remain untouched. it is okay to say i get to
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that tonight. right now i have to focus. jenna: i feel better already, doctor. thank you so much. free of charge right? >> glad i could help. i'll send you a bill maybe. lunch. jenna: maybe we'll pay it. dr. ablow, thank you so much. nice to see you as always. >> take care. jon: a fox news alert. after spending 16 years on the run with infamous mobster james whitey bulger, his girlfriend is making some moves with her financial assets before she goes to trial. rick folbaum knows more about that. rick? >> jon, she is charged with harboring and concealing a fugitive but she wants to hold onto her stuff. her name is katherine greg. a long time companion of whitey bulger. fba's most wanted captured in california after 16 years on the run. "the boston globe" is reporting that she is move to protect some of her assets as she awaits trial includedding a share of family home worth $600,000 and another house she owns worth 350 grand.
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she is being held without bail. that is the latest. she is trying to hold onto her stuff before she gets sentenced. back to you.
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>> coming up on "america live", fireworks on capitol hill right now, folks and expected at the white house briefing shortly with the press. you've got harry reid and tea party both going after the boehner plan basically in dramatic new developments. the tea party's biggest group wants boehner out. we will talk to them about that moments away. and forget national polls, look at the battleground states and see what they are showing in an uphill battle for president obama. we're going to show you the brand new numbers we've got in on those states for 2012. though thought they saw a mountain lion in connecticut. and everybody said they were
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crazy. but now they're calling it the longest migration ever for a four-legged ever. coming up at the top of the hour. we'll see you then. jon: we told you just a bit ago, some historic, an historic institution in washington in the washington area is closing its doors. we're talking about walter reed army medical center. it opened in 1909. it has treated 775,000 outpatients a year, including 18,000 veterans of the wars in iraq and afghanistan. it specializes in the rehabilitation of amputees. the hospital named after this former army major and doctor. he was a pioneer in the treatment of yellow fever. steve centanni is there live at walter reed in washington. why close its doors now, steve? >> reporter: well, jon, this is fallen victim to brac, the base realignment and closing commission. this old camp even though large, 113 acres not big
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enough to hold all the functions at walter reed army hospital. it will move to a new combined facility in bethesda, maryland. this is window into history. this place has been here for 102 years. look at some of the original photographs of patients in the wars all the way dating back to world war i and all the way through the current conflicts in iraq and afghanistan. the original building built in the 1909 with its dome or kupola on top was quickly surrounded by a heft of other buildings to make this a large complex medical campus. as they said at today's ceremony this place was always morph more than bricks and mortar. it a monument to courage. let's listen. >> that is truly what walter reed has always been about, not bricks, not mortar. not buildings, not grass but spirit and hope. and compassion. >> reporter: so the name walter reed will stay with the new combined national military hospital in
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bethesda, maryland, jon. jon: all right. nice to at least have his name recognized, walter reed, that's for sure. how important has it been? i mean i couldn't believe the numbers, 775,000 outpatient as year? >> yeah, right. most people come through here after they have had severe injuries overseas. they get treated. many of them get fitted for state-of-the-art prosthesis and they're very thankful for that. not only for the medical treatment but the inspiration they have drawn, the determination they have learned from the staff here at walter reed which is so experienced and so inspirational. now earlier today we had a drop-in, we had some of the army paratroopers landing on the field right here. a paratrooper i talked to who was in a air collision back in the 1990s talked to me about the inspiration that he gets from walter reed. let's listen. i guess we're not going to listen. so i'll just wrap it up here. jon: all right. >> reporter: the work they
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do here will continue in bethesda, maryland, jon. jon: steve centanni, thank you. at walter reed. we'll be right back hey, the new guy is loaded with protein!
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